Customized Solutions

We do not believe that model portfolios or, one size fits all, is consistent with our mission to provide a high level of client service and customization to each portfolio. While we take our responsibility to enhance wealth through growth very seriously, we also maintain a rigorous practice of tax efficiency as a cornerstone to our capital preservation foundation.

Optimum believes that a multi-asset class portfolio consisting of many different types of investments with exposure from non-US and US markets best fulfills the objectives of diversification, income, total return while reducing portfolio risk.

Our consultative process is designed to set clear expectations and to drive accountability from all parties involved in developing, implementing and reviewing your wealth management solution

Portfolios are tailored to each individual client’s needs for return, income and time horizon.


Portfolio Goals

  • Return Requirements
  • Income Needs, Wants, Wishes, and Concerns
  • Budget and Cash Flow
  • Risk Tolerance


Investment Selection

  • Tailor Investment Strategies to Achieve Client Goals
  • Select Investment Choices Based Upon Client Needs
  • Identify Asset Classes which Achieve Goals
  • Emphasis on Income and Risk Management
  • Identify Investment Alternatives, Managers, Funds and ETF's
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Monitor Investments on an Ongoing Basis

  • Monthly Holdings Reports
  • Monthly and Quarterly Characteristics Report
  • Establish Expected Return Range
  • Identify Key Economic Variables which Influence Performance
  • Continually Review Alternative Strategies
  • Set Execution Targets